Our Current Studies

Here at New Zion we usually have 2 studies going on. We study one book during Sunday School and Bible Study, and we study another book during afternoon Church service. Our thorough studies can take months depending on the size of the book but if you stick with us, you will be surprised on the amount of insight you just gained and our spirits feel stronger every time we finish a book. Our studies as mentioned in previous pages are expository which is to go through a book line by line, precept upon precept. We take great importance with sticking with the context of who is speaking, to whom is that person speaking to, when something takes place, what is being spoken about. This is Biblical Hermeneutics, or the technique of literal translation of the Bible.

As of May 28, 2017 we are now studying the Book of James during our afternoon service. The Book of James is considered the Proverbs of the New Testament. This is James, the brother of Jesus and he is a Jew through and through. He is a very straightforward writer and it will be great going through this book because of the fact he doesn't hold his tongue and sometimes that is what you need, a kick in the backside so to speak.

As of May 29, 2016 we are now studying the Book of Matthew for Wednesday night and Sunday morning services. This will be a life and character changing book for us. We are eager to go through God's teachings line by line and hear what God has for all of us. Kingdom living or a life of service/becoming a disciple is a choice but we see it all throughout the teachings of Jesus even up to His death and beyond so we know it must be important.

The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they reveal knowledge... Psalms 19:1-4